I’m going to write and work on my courses, but I’m going to prioritize relaxing also.
Tag: writing
First year on the job
Three life lessons I’ve learned in my first year in a tenure-track job.
Using Scrivener to write your music dissertation or book
I have three practical tips for how Scrivener can make your life easier when you write your long document.
Setting goals for the summer
Summer is like New Year’s for academics: a time of reflection and goal-setting, both in work and in personal life.
What happens in the writing center
Why are students more willing to vent to their drop-in tutor than to ask their profs for help?
New Years Resolutions for 2017
I have 2 big resolutions for 2017.
What helps me survive writing my dissertation
Transitioning from student to writer has been somewhat bizarre. I can’t rely on my old thought patterns anymore. I’ve made number of changes to my working style that improve my mentality and attitude toward writing, which I hope could be helpful for someone else out there.
Reading about embodiment (Heidemann on timbre)
If you’ve never studied voice seriously, it’s very difficult to describe how to do impressions of various singers. Kate Heidemann’s recent article solves this problem (and others), and is a completely wonderful way to approach the discussion of vocal timbre.